Volunteers with My Block, My Hood My City load food into a car in the parking lot of the Chatham Walmart, 8431 S. Stewart Ave., Sunday afternoon. Credit: Kayleigh Padar//Block Club Chicago

Block Club Chicago Highlights My Block, My Hood, My City & Top Box Foods Collaborative Response to 2023 Neighborhood Walmart Closures

"Walmart closed stores in Chatham, Kenwood and Little Village — as well as a fourth in Lakeview — last weekend, with its leaders saying those locations weren’t profitable. Neighbors have said they are worried the closures — made after just a few days’ notice — will mean they lose access to affordable groceries, necessities and medicine.

To help, the nonprofit My Block, My Hood, My City and Top Box Foods gave away 1,000 boxes of food Sunday in the Chatham Walmart parking lot — and group leaders have vowed to hold more distributions. They’ll do monthly events to support neighbors who now must travel further to buy what they need, they said."

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