MHN, Partners Launch Nation’s Most Comprehensive Healthy Food Delivery Study Among Medicaid Recipients

MHN, Partners Launch Nation’s Most Comprehensive Healthy Food Delivery Study Among Medicaid Recipients

"The project, funded by a grant from the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program-Produce Prescription Program, is designed to determine if providing home-delivered fruits and vegetables, in tandem with care coordination and health coaching, can improve the health and food security of hypertensive Medicaid patients while lowering care costs.

Each project partner brings the unique expertise needed to make it a success. Top Box Foods has a breadth of experience in food distribution and food access initiatives, MHN has deep care coordination and data analytics experience, and AMC has been delivering care across 10 Chicago communities for over 30 years. Combining those specialties gives this program a recipe for success."

Read the Article: Yahoo! Finance Business Wire

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