Collaborates with organizations to address hunger and improve health outcomes through food.
We offer customizable grocery boxes, tailored programming, and flexible delivery options that make it easy for your community to access healthy food.

Are a diverse group of organizations including nonprofits, churches, hospitals, schools, government entities, corporations, and more.
With our expertise in sourcing, packaging, and delivering food, we work with you to customize your community food initiative.
Check out some of our partnerships & programs below.
Partnership for a Healthier America's Good Food for All
In 2021, the Partnership for a Healthier America®, Urban Strategies, Inc., and Top Box Foods teamed up to fight food insecurity and promote community nutrition across four housing sites in New Orleans.
Impact on participants:
1,000 households received nutritionally tailored boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables weekly for 12 weeks across 4 housing communities in New Orleans. 20% of participants returned to place orders post-program. 70% of participants stated that access to local food was just as important as affordability.
Urban Strategies and Top Box unload their first of 12 deliveries to Harmony Oaks.
PHA participant receieved her first Top Box Good Food for All box.
Participants get festive for the holiday week of PHA distributions.
Geaux Get Healthy
With the support of Geaux Get Healthy Clinical Program (GGH) and American Heart Association (AHA), this 8-week program provides food insecure community members with access to local resources including cooking classes, nutrition classes and grocery store tours.
Eligible participants included patients who qualified for the GGH Program ages 18-65, were English-speaking and without audiovisual deficits. Upon enrollment, participants met with the Health Specialist and then at 8-12 weeks, and again at 6 months. Participants completed validated surveys regarding access to healthy foods, knowledge of a healthy diet, and motivation to prepare healthy meals; and the PHQ-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire-9) survey. At each visit, vital signs (including weight, height and waist circumference) and laboratory measurements (Hemoglobin A1C, lipid panel) were obtained. Patient data related to chronic disease and ER/hospital utilization was abstracted from the medical record.
Impact on participants:
A total of 53 participants were enrolled. Participants’ average BMI was 34, 64% had diabetes/pre-diabetes and 55% had hypertension at the time of enrollment.
In the first 6 months, 11 (21%) FISH participants complete all assessments. The mean USDA Food Insecurity Scores were 6.9 (very low food security) at the initial visit; 4 (low food security) at 8-12 weeks; and 2.7 (low food security) at 6 months.

New Orleans Musician's Clinic and Assistance Foundation
Launched in June 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Makin’ Groceries provides nutritious grocery boxes, prepared meals, and health education materials delivered every week to a group of 112 elderly, immunocompromised, and medically at-risk NOMC patients and their families.
In partnership with Top Box Foods, this unique program gives back to New Orleans' elders and culture bearers and keeps them healthy while providing a long-term food resource.
Partnerships in all shapes and sizes
From single-location distribution of any number of boxes to weekly recurring deliveries to participants' home, Top Box works with a myriad of partners in varied fields to achieve food access and improve health outcomes in the community.
A snap shot of current and past partnerships:
American Heart Association
Medically-tailored, heart-healthy boxes of food delivered to events and centralized locations.
Son of a Saint
Gift cards for families experiencing food insecurity
City of New Orleans
1,200 boxes of Thanksgiving sides whole turkeys and sides for holiday distributions.
Care South
Unique codes for participants to purchase healthy groceries, delivered to their homes.
Crescent Care
250 participants received a box of fresh fruits and veggies and a protein for 12 weeks right to their homes.
Veterans Affairs of Southeast LA
Customized box of fruits and veggies with healthy protein for purchase using discount code for 4 months per participant.
AmeriHealth Caritas
Customized box of low-sodium and heart-healthy options, delivered to homes of enrolled participants for 8 weeks as part of a produce prescription program.
Lantern Light
Weekly deliveries of customized boxes for seniors and walk-up participants.
Open Health
Gift cards for purchase of any menu item delivered to participant homes.
Our Lady of the Lake
Centralized location drop of boxes alongside GGH class boxes for cooking classes and prep courses.
Support + Feed
255 plant based boxes distributed to organizations around the city including in-kind vegan donations.
Monthly distribution of medically-tailored boxes and bulk cases of fresh food to JenCare's Farmers Market for seniors.
Blue Bikes for All
Discount codes for free boxes given to EBT/SNAP riders with Blue Bikes.
New Orleans Women and Children Shelter
Discount codes for home delivery distributed to TAP clients leaving the shelter.
Christopher Homes
Paper order forms given to senior residents for weekly purchasing and discount codes.